代号: |
杀戮方式: |
杀戮得分: |
英文描述: |
杀戮方法描述: |
1 |
4th of July |
150分 |
Cause an enemy on the ground to explode and fly up in the air |
把地上的敌人炸飞到空中 |
2 |
Accident |
未知 |
Shoot an enemy with the Head Hunter and have him die from hitting an environmental hazard |
利用Head Hunter狙击枪的续力攻击 射中敌人后 制导敌人到周边环境的陷阱里杀死敌人 |
3 |
Acid Rain |
200-500分 |
CHARGED: Vaporize two or more enemies in mid-air with the Boneduster Charge Shot |
在空中利用Boneduster喷子的续力射击把两个或以上敌人轰成渣! |
4 |
Afterbuner |
50分 |
Kill an enemy who is on fire |
干掉身上着火的敌人 |
5 |
Air Strike |
未知 |
Impale a thumped enemy into a standing enemy with a drill |
用钻头把一个飞起的敌人和一个站着的敌人穿在一起 |
6 |
Antidote |
250分 |
Kill an enemy who is infected by the Puffball gas. |
干掉被毒气影响的敌人! |
7 |
Assplosion |
未知 |
Kill a Burnout by shooting his ass growth. |
求方法!!!! |
8 |
Bad Digestion |
未知 |
Cause a Flytrap to swallow something explosive |
让捕蝇草吃下爆炸物 |
9 |
Bad Touch |
50-100分 |
Kill an enemy by crushingimpaling or electrocuting them. |
压死 穿死 或者电死敌人 |
10 |
Blind Fire |
100-500分 |
Kill someone while blinded by a flare. |
在收到闪光弹干扰的时候杀死敌人 |
11 |
Bluff |
未知 |
Kill an enemy with the Head Hunter who is not actually the chosen target of the bullet. |
用headhunter狙击枪 所定目标发射后 制导子弹去杀掉原先没有锁定的任何目标敌人 |
12 |
Body Wrap |
50分 |
未知 |
未知 |
13 |
Bombshell |
175分 |
Kill two or more enemies by exploding a Flailbomber. |
引爆Flailbomber炸死2个或以上的敌人 |
14 |
Boned |
50分 |
CHARGED: Kill an enemy within a moment of getting them in your sights with the PMC Charge Shot |
利用PeaceMaker机枪的续力攻击把1个敌人轰成渣! |
15 |
Boom |
50-100分 |
Kill two or more enemies with one cannonball. |
利用Bouncer榴弹枪发出的1发加农球 同时干掉2个或以上敌人 |
16 |
Bossed |
250分 |
Kill a miniboss. |
干死一个小boss(抄minigun的) |
17 |
Breakdance |
未知 |
Drill an enemy into the ground. |
用Penetrator电钻枪 把敌人往地上钻 |
18 |
Broken Wings |
未知 |
Kill a thumped enemy with the Head Hunter guided bullet. |
利用HeadHunter狙击枪把铲飞或者拉飞的敌人干死! |
19 |
Brotherhood |
550分 |
未知 |
未知 |
20 |
Bullet Kick |
25-500分 |
Kick an enemy and shoot him to death in mid-air. |
踹飞敌人并用枪射到他死 |
21 |
Bullet Slide |
50分 |
Slide an enemy and shoot him to death in mid-air. |
铲飞敌人并用枪射到他死 |
22 |
Bully |
未知 |
Detonate a cannonball to kill an enemy just after knocking them over with it. |
用Bouncer榴弹枪射倒敌人 在放开RT正好引爆炸弹球把倒地的敌人炸死! |
23 |
Burn |
50-250分 |
CHARGED: Vaporize two or more enemies with a single Boneduster Charge Shot. |
利用Boneduster的续力攻击把2个或以上敌人一发烧成渣!!! |
24 |
Carpet Bombing |
未知 |
Bounce a cannonball at least two times before killing an enemy with it. |
用Bouncer榴弹枪的榴弹球弹地2下后引爆炸死敌人! |
25 |
Chain Reaction |
150-300分 |
CHARGED: Slice two or more enemies in half using a flail Charge Shot. |
用Flailgun链条枪的续力攻击 把2个或以上的敌人一切为二 |
26 |
Deep Penetration |
100分 |
未知 |
未知 |
27 |
Ding Dong |
500分 |
Kill an enemy by opening a door. (Environment specific) |
把门踹开 碾死一个门后的敌人 |
28 |
Direct Hit |
25-125分 |
Kill an enemy with a direct hit from the cannonball. |
用Bouncer榴弹枪的榴弹一击直接杀死一个敌人(榴弹球不能弹跳) |
29 |
Discharged |
未知 |
Use a charged PMC to kill a Heavy Echo whilst he's charging his. |
利用PMC机枪的续力攻击杀掉一个正在续力中的Echo重装兵 |
30 |
Double Cut |
100分 |
Cut 2 enemies with a Flail Gun chaiin. |
用Flail链条枪续力攻击 发射一根链条 同时切断2个敌人 |
31 |
Double Ignition |
100分 |
Ignite 2 enemies with a single shot. |
用火焰同时烧死2个敌人 |
32 |
Drawn and Quartered |
100分 |
未知 |
未知 |
33 |
Drilldo |
未知 |
CHARGED: Ram two or more enemies during a slide with the Penetrator Charge Shot. |
在滑铲中续力射击Penetrator钻头枪 穿透2个或以上敌人 |
34 |
Early Retirement |
未知 |
CHARGED: Kill an enemy controlled with the charged bullet before it explodes with the Head Hunter Charge Shot. |
用Head HUnter狙击枪的续力攻击 在子弹没有爆炸前射死一个敌人 |
35 |
Enlightenment |
50-250分 |
CHARGED: Shoot an enemy in the head with a flare from the Screamer Charge Shot and let it explode. |
用Screamer左轮续力攻击射出爆炸弹在敌人的头上 并等它爆炸 |
36 |
Enviro-mental |
50-250分 |
Kill one or more enemies using an environmental explosive. |
利用环境陷阱爆炸 炸死2个或以上敌人 |
37 |
Exterminator |
未知 |
Kill an entire swarm of electro flies. |
未知 |
38 |
Facial |
50分 |
Perform a headshot with the Bouncer |
用Bouncer榴弹枪爆一个敌人的头 |
39 |
Fan-Tastic |
未知 |
Drill an enemy into the ceiling. |
用电钻枪把一个敌人钉到天花板上 |
40 |
Fast Draw |
25-125分 |
Kill an enemy the moment you have them in your sights with the Screamer. |
用Screamer左轮瞬间杀掉进入视线的敌人 |
41 |
Fast Food |
未知 |
Ram an enemy to death with a hot dog cart. |
用热狗车碾死一个敌人 |
42 |
Feeder |
100分 |
Feed an enemy to a Flytrap. |
喂一个敌人去捕蝇草嘴里 |
43 |
Fertilizer |
50-100分 |
Explode two or more thumped enemies using an environmental explosive. |
利用环境陷阱炸死2个或以上 被鞭子干上天或铲上天的敌人 |
44 |
Fire in the Hole |
150分 |
When a miniboss is stunned kick him from behind then shoot him in the butt. |
用鞭子打晕小boss 然后绕道背后踢开它的装甲 然后用机枪干它屁眼! |
45 |
Fireball |
50-250分 |
CHARGED: Shoot an enemy with a flare from the Screamer Charge Shot so it explodes and kills another enemy. |
用Screamer左轮的续力攻击在一个敌人身上射一个炸弹 然后让这个人体炸弹炸死另一个敌人 |
46 |
Firefighter |
未知 |
CHARGED: Ignite three or more enemies with the Screamer Charge Shot and kill them while they burn. |
用Screamer左轮的续力攻击烧掉3个或以上敌人 |
47 |
Fireworks |
50-250分 |
CHARGED: Explode an enemy who is 20 meters or higher in the air with the Screamer Charge Shot. |
用Screamer左轮的续力攻击点燃一个在20米高空的敌人 |
48 |
First In Last Out |
100-500分 |
Get an enemy airbornekill a different enemythen kill the first before he lands. |
先把一个敌人干到空中 然后去杀掉另一个敌人 马上回头在之前那个浮空敌人掉落地下之前杀掉它! |
49 |
Flak |
50分 |
Destroy a Gyrocopter using an indirect explosion. |
利用爆炸的震荡干掉一个敌人直升机 |
50 |
Fly Guy |
未知 |
Kill an enemy by flinging them into a swarm of electro flies. |
把敌人干到电苍蝇堆里 |
51 |
Flyswatter |
100-500分 |
Thump an enemy so he smashes into the ceiling or an impaler. |
把敌人锤到天花板或者尖刺上 |
52 |
French Revolution |
200-300分 |
CHARGED: Decapitate two or more enemies with a flail Charge Shot. |
用链条枪的续力攻击切掉2个或以上敌人的头 |
53 |
Frequent Flyer |
25-100分 |
Kill an enemy that's flying in the air. |
干掉一个飞在天上的敌人 |
54 |
Friendly Fire |
300分 |
Kill an enemy by flinging them into the fire of another enemy. |
把敌人踹到正在开火的敌人枪口 让他被同伴打死 |
55 |
Full Throttle |
50分 |
Use bullets to kill two or more enemies without letting go of the trigger. |
不送开射击键 连续杀掉2个或以上敌人 |
56 |
Gag Reflex |
250分 |
Kill an enemy with a shot to the throat. |
射击敌人的喉咙杀掉1个敌人 |
57 |
Gangbang |
50-250分 |
Kill two or more enemies with a single flail explosion. |
用链条枪的爆炸同时杀掉2个或以上敌人 |
58 |
Gotcha |
未知 |
Leash a Creep or Skull Flaregunner and kill them in mid air. |
不确定 |
59 |
Graffiti |
100分 |
Kill an enemy by kicking him against a surface. |
把敌人踹到地面或者墙壁上 活活撞死 |
60 |
Grenade Gag |
25-125分 |
Wrap a flail around the head of an enemy and explode it. |
用链条枪缠住敌人头部 炸头! |
61 |
Gunslinger |
100-500分 |
Score two or more Fast Draws or Snapshots in a row with the Screamer. |
连续达成2个或更多Fast Draws或者Snapshots杀戮评价 |
62 |
Head Slicer |
25-125分 |
Decapitate an enemy after wrapping the flail around an object. |
用链条把敌人缠在柱子上 然后用链条枪续力攻击把敌人的头切掉 |
63 |
Heads Up |
未知 |
Put a Nom parasite on an enemy's head then take their head off. |
把一个Nom寄生虫套在敌人头上 然后断他的头(不确定) |
64 |
Headshot |
50-100分 |
Kill an enemy with a shot to the head. |
不翻译 你懂的。。。 |
65 |
Heat Wave |
100分 |
Set an enemy on fire and shoot them to death. |
点燃一个敌人后把他射到死 |
66 |
Homie Missle |
100-500分 |
Use a flail-wrapped airborne enemy to kill another enemy. |
用链条枪绑住空中敌人 爆炸同时杀死另一个敌人 |
67 |
Hotshot |
未知 |
Kill a dodging enemy by targeting a weak spot like the head or throat with the Head Hunter. |
用Head Hunter的导向射击 射隐蔽敌人的头或者喉咙 |
68 |
Intoxicated |
100分 |
Kill an enemy while drunk on Nom Juice. |
喝醉状态下干死一个敌人 |
69 |
Juggler |
100-500分 |
Blast an airborne enemy twice with the Boneduster then kill him before or on landing. |
用Boneduster喷子攻击空中敌人2次 在他落后地或者落地瞬间杀掉他 |
70 |
Kick of Doom |
50-250分 |
CHARGED: Kill an enemy by kicking a cannonball from the Bouncer Charge Shot. |
用Bouncer榴弹枪续力攻击造出一个爆炸球 对着敌人踢过去 炸死他 |
71 |
Kick Off |
未知 |
Remove a miniboss's helmet then when he's stunned again kick his head off. |
先把小boss的头盔打掉 然后把小boss打晕的时候把他的头踢掉 |
72 |
Killing Spree |
150分 |
未知 |
未知 |
73 |
Killer News |
未知 |
Kill someone with the explosion of a Newsbot. |
未知 |
74 |
Leak |
未知 |
Put a Nom parasite on an enemy's head then get a headshot. |
把一个Nom寄生虫套在敌人头上然后爆他头 |
75 |
Legless |
50-250分 |
Blow the legs off an enemy with the Boneduster. |
用Boneduster喷子把敌人的腿打爆 |
76 |
Letter Bomb |
未知 |
CHARGED: Explode two or more enemies using a single bullet with the Head Hunter Charge Shot. |
用Head Hunter狙击枪的续力攻击 在1发子弹内同时干掉2个或者以上数量敌人 |
77 |
Lucky Shot |
未知 |
Kill an enemy with a cannonball that travelled over 100 meters without bouncing. |
用Bouncer榴弹枪的普通攻击 在100米外直接炸死一个敌人(球不能弹地) |
78 |
Machinist |
50分 |
Destroy an opposing vehicle. |
炸掉一部正逼近的地方车辆 |
79 |
Mass Murderer |
150分 |
Wrap a Flail around an enemy then kick him towards another. |
用链条枪缠住一个敌人 然后把他踢向其它敌人 |
80 |
Meat Fountain |
未知 |
Kill two or more airborne enemies with one cannonball. |
用Bouncer榴弹同时杀掉2个或以上数量的空中敌人 |
81 |
Meat Slicer |
25-125分 |
Slice an enemy in half while wrapping the flail around an object. |
用链条枪把敌人缠在柱子上 然后用续力攻击把敌人切两半 |
82 |
Meatball |
100分 |
未知 |
未知 |
83 |
Mercy |
100-500分 |
Shoot an enemy in the balls and kick or shoot his head off. |
射敌人的小JJ然后把他的头打掉或者踢掉 |
84 |
Mile High Club |
未知 |
Send an enemy into the sky with a drill. |
用电钻枪把敌人钻上天~ |
85 |
Minefield |
25-125分 |
Kill an enemy by exploding a flail attached to a surface. |
用链条枪缠住随便什么物体 变成定点雷 炸死一个敌人 |
86 |
Misfire |
50-250分 |
CHARGED: Flare an enemy with the Screamer Charge Shot but kill him before the flare explodes. |
用Screamer左轮的续力攻击在敌人身上射一个爆炸弹 然后在爆炸弹爆炸之前杀掉敌人 |
87 |
Money Shot |
未知 |
Kill an enemy by launching a cannonball at them and exploding it before it hits anything. |
用Bouncer榴弹枪的延时爆炸 在榴弹接触任何东西前放开射击键引爆 炸死一个敌人 |
88 |
Nom Nom Nom |
200分 |
未知 |
未知 |
89 |
Nominated |
未知 |
Kill an enemy with a Nom parasite on their head. |
套个Nom寄生虫在敌人头杀死敌人 |
90 |
Nutcracker |
未知 |
Kill an enemy by guiding a bullet into his balls with the Head Hunter. |
用Head HUnter狙击的制导子弹射敌人的JJ |
91 |
On the Ball |
50-250分 |
未知 |
未知 |
92 |
One Hit Wonder |
25-125分 |
Perform a clean execution by using only a single bullet to kill the enemy with the Screamer. |
用Screamer左轮 一颗子弹杀掉一个敌人 |
93 |
Overkill |
100分 |
CHARGED: Execute a headshot with the PMC Charge Shot. |
用PMC机枪的续力攻击爆敌人头 |
94 |
Pancake |
250分 |
Use environmental damage to flatten an enemy. |
用环境陷阱把一个敌人压扁 |
95 |
Parashoot |
500分 |
Leash an enemy out of a Gyrocopter and kill him before he lands. |
把直升机上的敌人用鞭子拉下来 在他落地前杀掉 |
96 |
Piledriver |
50-250分 |
Get an enemy airborne then smash him into a surface with a blast from the Boneduster. |
不确定 |
97 |
Premature |
未知 |
CHARGED: Explode the bullet to kill the target before it hits him with the Head Hunter Charge Shot. |
用Head Hunter狙击的续力攻击 在爆炸子弹射中敌人前 引爆子弹炸死敌人 |
98 |
Pricked |
未知 |
Kill an enemy by flinging them into a cactus. |
把敌人操到仙人掌上去插死 |
99 |
Pump Action |
50分 |
Get an enemy airborne then shotgun blast him into an environmental hazard with the Boneduster. |
先把敌人草到天上去 用Boneduster把浮空的敌人轰到周围的陷阱或者尖刺等。。 |
100 |
Puncture |
100分 |
未知 |
未知 |
101 |
Rear Entry |
50-250分 |
Kill an enemy by shooting him in the ass. |
爆菊!!!!!!!! |
102 |
Root Canal |
未知 |
Insert a drill into an enemy's head. |
用钻头枪爆敌人头 |
103 |
Sadist |
50-250分 |
Wrap a flail around an enemy but kill him before it explodes. |
用链条枪绑住敌人 在链条爆炸前打死敌人 |
104 |
Sausage Fest |
未知 |
Kill an enemy using a hot dog cart explosion. |
引爆热狗车炸死敌人 |
105 |
Savior |
250分 |
未知 |
未知 |
106 |
Scarecrow |
未知 |
Put a Nom parasite on an enemy's head then impale them. |
在敌人头上套个Nom寄生虫 然后用电钻枪爆头 |
107 |
Sharpnel |
未知 |
CHARGED: Explode two or more airborne enemies using a single bullet with the Head Hunter Charge Shot. |
用Head Hunter的续力攻击 一发子弹引爆杀死2个或以上敌人 |
108 |
Shocker |
50-250分 |
Kill an enemy by flinging them into a an electrical source. |
把敌人操到电源上电死 |
109 |
Shishkebab |
未知 |
Impale two or more enemies with a single drill. |
用一发电钻枪钻头把2个或更多敌人穿在一起 |
110 |
Show Off |
未知 |
Kill an enemy with the Head Hunter from 10 metres without using the scope. |
用Head Hunter在10米外不开镜射死敌人 |
111 |
Skyjack |
100分 |
Kill a Gyrocopter pilot while the vehicle is airborne. |
空中干下一台敌人直升机 |
112 |
Slam Dunk |
Smash an airborne enemy into the ground using the Thumper. |
用鞭子把空中的敌人砸死在地上 |
113 |
Sledgehammer |
未知 |
CHARGED: Kill three or more enemies with one charged cannonball from the Bouncer Charge Shot. |
用Bouncer榴弹枪的续力攻击杀掉3个或以上数量敌人 |
114 |
Slugfest |
未知 |
Kill two or more enemies with one standard shot from the Boneduster. |
用Boneduster喷子 普通一发杀掉2个或以上数量敌人 |
115 |
Smart Mine |
100-500分 |
Use a flail-wrapped standing enemy to kill an airborne enemy. |
用链条枪绑住一个敌人 然后把这个敌人轰出去干死一个浮空的敌人 |
116 |
Snapshot |
25-125分 |
Kill an airborne enemy the moment you have them in your sights with the Screamer. |
用Screamer左轮第一时间杀掉进入视角的空中敌人 |
117 |
Splatterpunk |
100-500分 |
Kill a downed enemy by blasting him against the floor with the Boneduster. |
用boneduster上前迎面喷死倒在地上的敌人! |
118 |
Spun Right Round |
150分 |
未知 |
未知 |
119 |
Steady Hand |
250分 |
未知 |
未知 |
120 |
Stinger |
未知 |
CHARGED: Suspend a drilled enemy mid-air with the Penetrator Charge Shot then kick him into another enemy. |
未知 |
121 |
Stomach Pump |
未知 |
Kill a miniboss by firing a charged drill into his stomach then kicking it. |
用电钻枪续力攻击把电钻钻到小Boss肚子里 然后踢他肚子上的钻头!杀死小Boss |
122 |
Stroke |
50分 |
未知 |
未知 |
123 |
Surgeon |
25-125分 |
Kill an enemy by shooting only one single limb repeatedly with the Screamer. |
用Screamer左轮盯着敌人的一段肢体打(单手或单脚) 打到死 |
124 |
Tenderizer |
50分 |
未知 |
未知 |
125 |
Topless |
50-250分 |
Blast away the top half of an enemy with the Boneduster. |
用Boneduster喷子把敌人的上半身轰成渣!! |
126 |
Torpedo |
50-250分 |
Kill an enemy by shooting him with the Boneduster while sliding. |
在滑铲途中用Boneduster喷子把敌人喷死! |
127 |
Touchdown |
未知 |
Thump a stunned miniboss to his death. |
用滑铲把晕眩的小Boss铲死。 |
128 |
Toxic Love |
50-250分 |
Kill an enemy while infected by Puffball gas. |
在中毒气的时候杀掉一个敌人 |
129 |
Trap Shooting |
50-250分 |
Use bullets to kill a thumped enemy. |
用子弹射死一个被铲飞的敌人 |
130 |
Trip Wire |
250分 |
Shoot a running enemy in the legs to trip him |
then finish him off on the ground. |
射击奔跑敌人的腿 让他倒地 然后干掉这个正忙着扑街的敌人! |
131 |
Trickshot |
未知 |
Kill an enemy with a cannonball bounced off a wall or obstacle. |
用Bouncer榴弹枪的榴弹球 弹一下墙壁或者障碍物后炸死敌人 |
132 |
Twisted |
未知 |
Fire a drill into an enemy but have him die through other means. |
用电钻枪钻一个敌人 但这个敌人必须被其它东西杀死(比如摔死 电死 等等) |
133 |
Vertigo |
100分 |
Send an enemy down a huge drop. |
让敌人从特别高的高处摔下来摔死 |
134 |
Voodoo Doll |
50-250分 |
Kill an enemy by flinging them into a sharp metal object. |
把敌人干到尖锐物上戳死 |
135 |
Whiplash |
未知 |
Remove a miniboss's helmet then when he's stunned again leash his head off. |
把小boss的头盔打掉 然后等他晕眩的时候用链条枪的续力攻击切掉丫的狗头! |
136 |
Wingmen |
未知 |
Impale two or more airborne enemies with a single drill. |
用一发电钻 穿起2个或更多个空中敌人 |
137 |
X-Ray |
200-500分 |
CHARGED: Kill two or more enemies with a single PMC Charge Shot. |
用PMC机枪的续力攻击 一发杀掉2个或更多个敌人 |
138 |
Yoink |
100分 |
未知 |
未知 |
(大坑更新中!!!) |